Mulligans Flat: Brian Moir

Mulligans Flat: Brian Moir

  • Date:

Let’s meet at 9.30 at Wildbark, the cafe and visitor centre, 25 Rosenberg Street, Throsby (Gungahlin). If you don’t know where this is, and many of us possibly don’t, consult Google map. It’s a new area, and Wildbark is only a year or so old. A 2015 UBD street map won’t get you there!

You might be walking through a bit of mud, possibly some water. Walking boots might be a good option.

We will take the Wetlands walk for 15 minutes or so through open grassland with scattered trees to the wetland. Shoot some landscapes, some trees, possibly some birds along the way.

You can walk around the wetlands, or wander through the adjacent woodlands – the Mulligans Bird Walk (leading away from the wetlands) is one option.

The wetland offers plenty of birds, on the water, and in surrounding trees . There are kangaroos around, maybe an echidna. Views of the water (with dead trees) will appeal to some. Try some long exposures to smooth out any ripples on the water. Your choice, I don’t propose to herd everyone around in a group.

If you want to minimise the distance you walk, enter the sanctuary at the Echidna Gate in Pipistrelle St, opposite no 12. There is some street parking available. It is somewhat closer to the wetlands than the entry at Wildbark You will see the water as you go in the gate, head that way.

I expect we will be back at Wildbark for coffee by 11.30.

Information on Mulligans Flat is available from the website and there is an app you can download to a phone that gives info at multiple numbered points along the walk.